February 22, 2017

Patterson + Sheridan Speeds Time to Market for Fortune 100 Client’s New Polymer

During product research, one of our Fortune 100 technology clients created a new polymer with durable qualities. This meant the new polymer would be highly valuable across a wide range of applications. It was critical to protect this new invention. To do so, the USPTO had to classify it as a new molecule.

Deep chemistry and chemical engineering experience came into play as our team worked with the client’s chemists to gather comprehensive information to draft more than 80 patent applications related to this product. By asking the right questions about the client’s researched chemical reactions, performance methods, products and other possible variations, we translated the scientific language into patent applications that were clear and thorough.

Of the more than 80 patent applications we filed for the client, about half were immediately granted without receiving rejections or changes from the patent office. In a rare case, an examiner misunderstood comparison to prior art, and our attorneys quickly and effectively explained the difference and issued the patent.

Our attention to detail and keen understanding of the complex chemical compound empowered the client to go to market faster with a large volume of patent applications, many of which were issued in just eight months.

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